Tuesday, July 14, 2009

It has been a very long time since my last post. I am not remembering to bring my camera to the weddings and I have also been very busy. I have been playing at weddings almost every weekend in June and July and unfortunately don't have many pictures to show for it. I have a good excuse though because in Feb my husband and I adopted a gorgeous baby girl so now I have a 'mommy brain' and forget things so easily! She has also been my priority over things like blogging. The picture with me and her was taken on the first night we brought her home, of course I had to play the harp for her. Since she was so tiny I was able to hold her in one arm and play 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star'.
The wedding I have shown here was a couple from Texas who decided to get married with Niagara Falls as their backdrop on June 27. It was actually one of the only nice weekends we had in June and the weather was as perfect as newly weds looked and the view of the falls behind them.
Funny things happen though at weddings in public 'touristy' areas, random people videotape me and take pictures of me so who really knows where photos of me end up. Some people even think they're being subtle and try to pose nearby me so they have me and themselves in the picture. I just keep playing and try not to laugh because after all these are not wedding guests these are tourists and sometimes they get desperate for pictures.

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